
Get to know Laura.

Laura speaks locally, nationally, and internationally. She would love to IGNITE your event with purpose, passion, and power.

Hi. I’m Laura Rizkallah

(I got that long last name from the hot Egyptian guy I married 23 years ago)

I’m a local girl with a global vision. 

I have 6 world-changing children (ages 5-18) that have changed my world. 

I love cold brew coffee with extra ice and a touch of caramel. I love being with my friends and laughing until it hurts!  I love adventure and travel. I love words that reach the soul and stories that change and challenge how we live, think, and love. 

The greatest story ever is the one about how Jesus loves us. It’s a simple story; but there isn’t another one that has impacted my life more. 

I am a Bible-preaching, truth-teaching, people-reaching chic.

I live my life with the Great Commission as my vision.

I believe a girl and the Gospel are a fierce world changing force. I want to motivate and activate women to live their best power-filled, passion-focused and purpose-driven life.

I ask myself all the time, “What if women really understood who they were and whose they were?”

The answer: GoGirls..

If women embraced their God-given purpose, passion and power we would see shadowlands turn into blazing fields, bursting with beautiful God colors in a world full of people who need to know their value, identity, and worth. This world would light up with love and bright hope.

GoGirl is a movement I want to invite every woman to join.

In any conversation (one-on-one or with 1,000) I am known for my passion and my ability to bring truth to people in a relevant, real and relational way. I am passionate about reaching people with the truth that gives their life power and purpose. I don’t just want to inspire you towards a life full of purpose, passion, and power. I want to IGNITE you to GO live it! 

I would love to be part of the story God is writing with your life and the circle of influence He’s given you. Let’s IGNITE some power, passion and purpose in the people around us. 

I’m ready to teach, preach and reach the world with you.